Do you find online bookstore recommendations to be impersonal and unhelpful? Do you love to read but get overwhelmed by the choices in a mega-sized bookstore? Would you like to find a book your child will enjoy? Maybe you just don't have the time or motivation to browse a website looking through thousands of book titles.
Book Prescriber encourages reading by matching people with books they will love to read.
We provide book recommendations to users based on his or her individual taste. Users fill out brief surveys outlining their typical book preferences. Survey results are then given individual attention by a Book Prescriber consultant who will select an appropriate book. Book recommendations will be emailed to users, or if desired, a physical book can be mailed to a user's home.
Using Book Prescriber is like hiring your own personal librarian. With Book Prescriber you have a REAL person giving you personalized attention and helping you find something you will love.
Click HERE to place your Book Prescriber request!